Monday, 31 August 2020

Thanks to DNA, wrongly accused man released after 37 years in Florida jail, some of those years on death row

A Florida man who spent the last 37 years in prison on a rape and murder charge was released Thursday, hours after officials revealed dramatic new evidence that proved his innocence.

Robert DuBoise walked out of the Hardee Correctional Institution in Bowling Green, Florida, shortly after 2 p.m. With him were his mother and sister.

“It’s an overwhelming sense of relief,” Robert DuBoise told reporters outside the prison. “I prayed to God every day and hoped for it.”

The 56-year-old was serving a life sentence, having been convicted in 1983 for the murder of 19-year-old Barbara Grams. She had been raped and beaten while walking home from her job at a Tampa mall.

Read the story using the link below:

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Ancestral South Indians ASI and Ancestral North Indians ANI

The past belief that Dravidians inhabited India and were chased away to the South by Aryans who came from the North is no longer sustainable. The genetics of Indians is far more complex and in its simplest form can be expressed as a mixture of Ancestral South Indians ASI and Ancestral North Indians ANI in differing proportions. The ASI and ANI were themselves mixtures of other populations. The following article is a MUST READ for anyone who is interested in how genetics has discovered who Indians really are. Alternately, read my book for more details!!!

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

History of Khazan land management in Goa: ecological, economic and political perspective by Prof. Nandkumar Kamat

My ancestors, the Prabhu clan, were invited to initiate the 4th vangad of Aldona's gaunkari system (comunidade) because of their expertise in reclaiming land and building sluice gates. The following excellent paper by Goa University Professor Nandkumar Kamat explains in clear language and terminology everything we need to know on Khazan (or Khajan) land. This article is a must read for every Goan and everyone else who is interested in Goa's history: