Monday, 5 February 2024

Migration map of my PATRILINEAL ancestors from Africa to Goa

Migration map of my ancestors from Africa to Goa

Family Tree DNA has introduced a feature called "Globetrekker" that maps the migration route of ancestors based on the Y DNA test results starting with the first homo sapiens code-named ADAM right up to my last known ancestor Ramu Prabhu born around 1600 and 1601 in Calvim, Aldona, Goa. I was able to discover this latter information from ancient documents (History of Goa in Goykannadi Script by Gajana Ghantkar). 

Thanks to Y DNA analyses, it was possible to determine that my ancestors were a part of the Indus Valley Civilisation. After the IVC collapsed, in their quest for survival, they migrated towards Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh and finally arrived in Goa as permanent settlers around 700 - 600 BCE, setting down roots most probably in Sasahtti (Salcete). 

Between 1400 and 1150 CE, during the rule of the Kadambas in Goa, agricultural land (hal or plough used as a measure of agricultural land) was donated as a gift (dana) to an adhistani or enlightened Brahmin Kamti (agriculturist or farmer, later evolving to Kamat) to start the first vangad (family clan) of a new village that was given the name of Haldana, that over time evolved to Aldona. My ancestors were invited to contribute to this new settlement by establishing the fourth vangad as Prabhu due to their engineering expertise in building sluice gates and bandhs to recover land for rice fields. The Prabhu clan settled in Kaluve (present day Calvim) from where they eventually migrated to Quitula, most probably due to pestilence that affected many of Goa’s islands including Calvim at different times.

This extraordinary and impressive journey from Africa to Goa that lasted thousands of years fills me with pride to be a descendant of Ramu Prabhu.